FREEBIE: Away From Home Peritoneal Dialysis Schedule For Patients With Alternating Dianeal/Extraneal Prescriptions

FREEBIE: Away From Home Peritoneal Dialysis Schedule For Patients With Alternating Dianeal/Extraneal Prescriptions

Hello Everyone!

I was inspired to create this FREEBIE printable for individuals (like myself in my third year of Home Peritoneal Dialysis), who have changing dialysis fluid prescriptions throughout the week.

In the design of this Freebie, I have found several uses in which I wished I had a copy on hand when I was away from home on Home Peritoneal Dialysis.

Peace of Mind Away From Home

Dialysing away from home can be a very disorientating experience, particularly if you are dealing with erratic and busy schedules on holiday or during a work/school trip.

Hence, why not take a moment before setting off to fill out your dialysis schedule so that when you are away from home, you don't even have to think or remember what you did the nights before but instead check off each session with peace of mind.

Emergency Care - Dialysing Away From Home

This has the added bonus that should you fall unwell whilst away from home, you will have a present and up to date copy of your dialysis prescription on hand and documented over the recorded days of your stay away from home as well as your upcoming schedule.

This can be very beneficial for when visiting new hospitals and doctors who are unfamiliar with your medical file.

Packing List Aid

This Freebie also has the added benefit of being able to manually calculate how many bags and boxes of fluid of each strength of dianeal and extraneal fluid you need to pack or order when dialysing away from home!

BONUS: Helpful Training Tool

This schedule was initially designed to be a helpful training tool for home peritoneal dialysis patients starting a new alternating fluid regime.

For Example: using a green bag on the heater every two days, and a yellow bag on the remaining.

I certainly would have benefitted from this at the start of my change over to a stronger prescription. I constantly mixed up which days was what colour. I blame the toxins for not thinking this earlier 😅

Consider following me on
💜Instagram: @My_Kidney_and_Lai
🧡YouTube: My Kidney and Lai

This Freebie is available to all Members!



IGA Nephropathy confirmed at 21. Crashed into End Stage Renal Failure at 23. Now, I share with the world my 3 years lived experience on Home Peritoneal Dialysis and Post Transplant Living 10/10/2023