The Young Adult Kidney Group Residential Weekend Series

The Young Adult Kidney Group Residential Weekend Series
My First Group Photo at the YAKG Residential Weekend in September 2022!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to this ✨BRAND NEW✨ area on my website entirely dedicated to my Guides, Personal Blogs and Freebie Checklists & Tools related to the annual Young Adult Kidney Group Residential Weekend.

I first attended Kidney Care UK's YAKG residential weekend back in 2022. This was my second year on home peritoneal dialysis and it was the most transformational experience of my kidney journey!

For the first time I met other YOUNG ADULTS with kidney disease in all stages of the journey, Pre-dialysis, On Dialysis, Post-transplant.

Since then, I have always promoted every young adult patient with kidney disease to this weekend whether I met them in my clinic, on social media and even here on my website.

Watch This Space...

Peritoneal Dialysis Patient Packing List
Everything you need to bring with you to the YAKG Residential Weekend as a peritoneal dialysis patient.

My Personal Packing List for Young Adults dialysing away on Peritoneal Dialysis!

If you've landed on this page because you are a THINKING or CONFIRMED to come to this year's residential weekend... I invite you to explore this section of the website.

I have planned (if not already published) so much content regarding my own experiences at the weekend as a home peritoneal dialysis young adult dialysing away from home and family each year and as a now post transplanted (10/10/2023) young adult attending this year.

As promised in the YAKG handbook, please find my personal packing list I took with me to the weekend back in 2022, albeit with a bit of a face lift and not a scrawl on the back of Baxter pamphlets in every Baxter box ( I believe it was a green one as well).

🥰 Ok, Lai calm down...

What is the YAKG Residential Weekend?

Simply put it is a FREE long weekend holiday for young adults (18-30) with kidney disease run and paid for by the largest patient focused kidney charity: Kidney Care UK.

The 4 day and 3 night experience allows you to completely immerse yourself in the scheduled activities which range from outdoorsy physical activities like rock climbing, abseiling and archery to soft skill team building activities and crafty projects.

From my experience of the weekends, both attendees and volunteers who help run the weekend are all embedded in the kidney community as patients themselves, carers or family members of others or even nurses and dieticians within the NHS.

The weekend is open to everyone who has kidney disease, no matter where you are on that journey: CKD stages, on dialysis or post transplant.

For me this was the first time that I was able to meet other young people with kidney disease and was a transformative experience. When you get a group of 50 something young people struggling with kidney disease.... boy do we have stories to share.

It is an incredibly life affirming and almost comforting experience to be able to talk to other young patients who are also going through the same struggles with the medication, the drain pain, the renal diet and just work and life in general and its even better when you hear and see other young adults who have come out on the other side post transplant.

For more information, you can check out the Kidney Care UK website:
Young Adult Kidney Group (YAKG) | Kidney Care UK

Registration is now OPEN for the annual Young Adult Residential Weekend at Mount Cook Adventure Centre in Derbyshire from 6-9 September 2024.

Register Here!

Registration closes Friday 21 June.

Invite you to follow me or message me your queries at
💜Instagram: @My_Kidney_and_Lai
🧡YouTube: My Kidney and Lai



IGA Nephropathy confirmed at 21. Crashed into End Stage Renal Failure at 23. Now, I share with the world my 3 years lived experience on Home Peritoneal Dialysis and Post Transplant Living 10/10/2023